Which deductible should I choose? And how does this impact my health insurance premiums? Our deductible calculator shows you all this and more. If you then decide you want to change your deductible, you can apply to do so online.
Back to InsurancesInsurances
- Basic insurance
Supplementary insurance policies
Back to Supplementary insurance policiesSupplementary insurance policies
- Start module
- Hospital insurance
- Alternative medicine and glasses
- Health protection
- Dental insurance
- Pregnancy
- Future insurance cover
- Travel insurance
- Health-legal protection
- Disability or death
- Loss of earnings insurance
- Savings on supplementary insurance
Footer - Other insurance
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Sports and hobbys
Savings and discounts
Back to Savings and discountsSavings and discounts
- Family discount
- Premium reductions
- Save money with generics
- Discounts with online pharmacies
- A smart recommendation
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Medical advice
Why choose ÖKK?
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Sports and hobbys
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Finding service providers
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- Find a therapist and a method
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Downloads and calculator
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- Brochures, forms, insurance conditions
- myÖKK customer portal / app
- Deductible calculator
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Calculate your deductible
CHF 300? Or CHF 2,500? Or somewhere in between? Use the deductible calculator to easily work out your personal costs.
Calculate deductible- Private clients
- Services | Downloads and calculator
- Deductible calculator